• Рыбная мука - сверхценный источник протеина и аминокислот в рационе свиней, птиц, пушных зверей, рыбы
  • Высокая усваиваемость рыбного белка и насыщенность жирными кислотами, полезными минералами, аминокислотами, витаминами делает рыбную муку незаменимым компонентом при производстве кобмикормов
  • Высококачественные протеины в составе рыбной муки в комплексе с витаминами, минералами и аминокислотами значительно повышают производительность животных и птицы
  • Экологически чистое производство рыбной муки в удобном уголке Киевской области.Качество подтверждено соответствующими сертификатами
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Due to the originality of our technology for the production of fish meal, we produce high quality products according to our developed specifications. Originality means that the technological process consists in the complete absence of the operation of cooking fish raw materials in boilers. The production process takes place on a specially designed unit UDS-50.

We use only fresh, high quality raw materials for the production of our supplement.

We constantly conduct analyzes on the quality of our products in independent laboratories, such as LLC "Center for Veterinary Diagnostics", the Central Testing State Laboratory of the State Food Service in the Kiev region and Kiev.

Over the years, we have established partnerships with suppliers of fish raw materials, which allows us to fulfill orders in large volumes.

Since 2018, our company has started exporting products to the EU countries and China.

Since 2020, our products can be bought through the online store on the Prom.ua marketplace: http://optikorm-shop.prom.ua

In conclusion, we can say that: - our products are as close as possible in quality to GOST and are competitive in price and quality in comparison with imported fish meal:

- thanks to our technology, vitamins, amino acids, micro and macroelements, polyunsaturated fatty acids are stored in a greater amount;
- the preservation of nutrients, in turn, increases the percentage of digestibility and assimilability in the finished balanced feed;
- constantly provide customers with high quality products, strengthening trust between us and the customer;
- we are always ready to cooperate with a new client;
- we guarantee the quality of our product according to technical specifications.